
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baldness and Ringworm

Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a fungus. It can affect the skin of the body, feet and groin areas and the scalp. Ringworm is a common skin disease in children, when a certain type of fungus grows and multiplies occurs on the skin, scalp or nails.

Ringworm is contagious, and it can be passed from person to person by direct skin contact or contact with contaminated objects such as combs, unwashed clothing, and showers. Ringworm-causing fungi grow quickly in warm, humid areas. It is rather for people who frequently interfere with sweat.

Common Symptoms of Tinea itchy, red, scaly patches, raising the bladder and can seep. These patches are strongly defined edges and redder around the outside. For this reason, patches can appear as a ring. Doctors diagnose ringworm primarily on the appearance of it on the skin. The fungus can be fluorescent when examined in blue light in a dark room. A final Diagnosis can be made under the microscope by scraping the skin from the affected areas and examining the cells.

A fungal infection can cause baldness ringworm. Ringworm of the scalp begins as a small pimple and spreads outward leaving fine, scaly patches of temporary baldness. The infected hair turns brittle and breaks easily. Ringworm of the scalp can be spread by sharing hats or combs.
Hair Loss Ringworm is fairly easy to diagnose and Cure. Treatment is usually taking from the application of antifungal creams and prescription drugs. Common species of fungi, the human scalp are Microsporum canis and tricophyton verrucosum. Ringworm of the scalp shows symptoms such as hair loss and flaky scalp without irritation. In severe cases, a swollen mass discharging pus (kerion) appears on the scalp. Treatment for ringworm of the scalp should be started as soon as possible to prevent the spread of fungiInfection.

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