
Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Best Home Hair Coloring E-Book-The Right Hair Color for You

The Best Home Hair Coloring E-Book-The Right Hair Color for You-gives you the know-how you need to color your hair yourself in the right hair color the first time. Using this new home hair coloring system you can now look great and save money and time.

Check it out!

The No Hair-Loss Hair Care Book: With Hair Replacement Solutions and Treatments

You notice your hair “might” be thinning. Maybe someone said something to you about your looking different or (gasp) balding. Maybe someone looked at you differently, or you think they did because of your hair loss.
Maybe it was because of one or both parents? Maybe it was because of your shampoo? Your diet?
You don’t know for sure. So you change your hairstyle, combing the longer, remaining strands over the thinning areas. You switch shampoos. And you don a hat. Or do hats increase the rate of hair loss?
You’re not sure. So you shop for alternate solutions – just in case. You sample various medicated shampoos, conditioners and scalp tools. But they don’t work, & in the meantime, you’re out not only more hair but patience and money.
Late-night TV offers infomercials about “tried-and-true” methods of hair replacement with high-priced but supposedly professional tonics and message gadgets. So you rush to the phone and order yours.
However, these “funky” purchases turn into “frustration” garbage because they don’t work. So now you’re out more money, patience and probably more hair.
Well, look no more. Take root here and delve into the latest hair loss prevention research. Find solutions that work for you, solutions in your budget range.

Price: $24.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why 90% Always Fail to See Their Hair Growing Back

90% of hair loss sufferers are pretty much on average doing the same exact things others are doing in an effort to get their lost hair back. This is why so many are left with nothing but a few strands of hair in the long run.

Yes you definitely can't afford to walk around with a receding hairline, a bald spot or some other type of hair loss problem, but at the same time you must do things that will truly contribute to increasing the growth of it.

What can actually hinder you from seeing that growth? First of all if you're into using over-the-counter commercial shampoo products, you need to be very careful. They are helpful to keeping your hair and scalp clean, but they do no good for the health of your hair. Sure, you'll see many commercials advertising how a certain shampoo is enriched with vitamins and minerals, but they never tell you about the additives that are found in them.

For example sodium laureth sulphate is one that is found in almost every single one on the market. This is used to help the shampoo wash away dirt and oils. Bad news is that this ingredient thins hair out with continued use. Be watchful of what you pick when choosing a shampoo.

Those major hair loss companies certainly can talk a big game when advertising their pills, solutions, or other products. They often use testimonials from so-called "satisfied users" of their products. These people are often paid to represent that company and many have never had to worry about losing their hair.

Don't get me wrong, there are some who have benefited from the use of products like finasteride and minoxidil, but they are very few. If any actually saw any growth of their hair, you can rest assure that it was very unnoticeable and they may have suffered from side effects.

Scientists may not have come up with that magical pill to reverse baldness completely just yet, but it doesn't mean that you can't have a nice head of hair again. Grab your free copy of an incredible guide called Natural Hair Growing Secrets Revealed for natural methods to increase hair growth here: http://www.insanehairgrowth.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Crawford

Mark Crawford - EzineArticles Expert Author

View the original article here

The Healthy Hair Diet - A Pill-Free Nutritional Solution To Hair Loss

At the age of 20 years old my premature hair loss went into over-drive. Depressed and anxiety-ridden I turned to Propecia, then supplements, both of which left much to be desired. Luckily the solution is as easy as a tasty, non restrictive diet.

Check it out!

Friday, October 29, 2010

X-Fusion Dark Brown 12 gram

X-Fusion Dark Brown 12 gramMakes your hair look natural and thicker. Easy to use

Price: $30.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Why Do Some Women Show More Scalp In Their Part Line?

I recently heard from a woman who told me that over the last couple of years, she had noticed her hair's part line widening. In fact, she said that if she compared photos of herself from a few years ago with photos today, her scalp showing through her part line was much more noticeable in the recent photos. She asked: "now that I suspect there's an issue with my part, I'm starting to notice that some women just show more scalp in their part line. Why does this happen? Is it normal? Should I worry about it? I don't like how it looks and I worry that it will be very noticeable in the future." I'll try to address these concerns in the following article.

Some Women Naturally Have A Wider Part Line: Your part line is that area in your hair right on top of your head where your hair parts and falls on both sides. This doesn't happen if you pull your hair straight back or put it in a ponytail, but most people see their part line unless they purposely style their hair in a different way. If your hair is thicker and you have more of it, your part line will often be quite thin or barely noticeable because there are a lot of strands pushing up on both sides. But, if your hair is thinner or more sparse, you may well have a wider line because there is less hair on both sides.

Some women just normally have finer textured hair or less strands and this has always been true for them. In fact, many women can look at photos of themselves when they were a child and will notice that their part looks similar then to the way it does now. In this case, you may not be talking about a hair loss, hair thinning, or androgenic issue because the part that you see now is the one that you have always had and this is what is normal for you.

Sometimes, Your Part Line Is Showing More Scalp Because Or Hair Loss Or Hair Thinning Issues: It can be normal for hair to thin out about as we age. Few of us have the same head of hair that we had in our teens. But people without noticeable hair loss issues generally have enough hair to adequately cover all areas of their scalp, including their part.

And sometimes, when this is no longer happening, you'll want to explore whether you have a hair loss, hair thinning, or an androgenic issue happening. Probably the most common cause of seeing more scalp is the hair thinning condition of androgenic alopecia (or AGA.) With this condition, not only does more hair fall out (because it is adversely affected by androgens) but the hair that grows back because more fine and miniaturized as it regrows, which means that it takes more hair to provide the same coverage.

Of course, any issue that causes reasonably dramatic hair loss can cause changes in the coverage that you have on your scalp. If you have less hair (for whatever reason) then you are going to have less coverage to work with. But, the top of the scalp is a common area where you see typically see androgenic issues, although the presence of a wide part line doesn't always mean that AGA is present. There are many possibilities. Sometimes, the coverage is what is normal for the person. And other times, a hair loss or thinning issue is taking place and still needs to be identified.

View the original article here

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss

100% natural hair-growing methods for men and women. high converting sales page. Pays 75% commissions.

Check it out!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

X-Fusion Medium Brown 12 gram

X-Fusion Medium Brown 12 gramXFusion 12 gram Medium Brown Sealed Factory Fresh

Price: $30.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Will Regular Minoxidil Use Restore My Receding Hair Line?

Minoxidil was originally formulated for hypertension and is now used by millions to reverse hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Formulas normally are sold over the counter and contain either 2 or 5 percent minoxidil, with the remainder being made up of alcohol, propylene glycol, and purified water.

Most men showing the signs of balding or thinning hair almost always have the dreaded receding hairline as well. In fact, it is likely the first thing a person notices is a creeping receding hairline which if viewed overhead may resemble the beginnings of the letter M.

The chances are over 90 percent that if a man notices he is showing the telltale signs of a receding hairline he has a condition known as male pattern balding (androgenetic alopecia).

Male pattern balding is progressive, runs in families, and has thus far resisted virtually all attempts to find a cure.

Perhaps why male pattern baldness is so punitive is it actually shrinks the hair follicles to a point where new hair growth becomes impossible. This is made possible by a form of testosterone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which accumulates over time deep within the hair follicle. The most common points of accumulation are in the areas described as a receding hairline and on the crown. If left unchecked balding will occur on the top of the scalp producing the dreaded horseshoe pattern.

So as you can see the hair loss area described as a receding hairline has been damaged the most, requiring a near miracle to restore the bald areas.

Detailing my results with minoxidil?

Over the last 20 or so years I have tried virtually every product on the market for hair loss. While it is true that some products have produced very good results I have yet to find anything that has even come close to restoring my receding hairline; slowing the recession, yes; restoring no. For me it was a matter of recognizing the problem too late.

That said, minoxidil in combination with natural herbal hair loss remedies has proven very effective in holding my hair loss at bay and stimulating new hair growth. I have been using the combination for almost 5 years now and have experienced no additional hair loss.

But all is not coming up roses with minoxidil. Despite good results in the area of hair re-growth the high concentration of alcohol combined with the mild drying affect of minoxidil itself has made my scalp very dry, resulting in a problem with dandruff. This has created another issue which requires constant attention.

There are certainly a number of pros and cons in relation to minoxidil. Factors like cost (about $20 per month), having to apply the product twice a day, the possibility of dry scalp dandruff, and the realization that once discontinued your new found hair will rapidly disappear must be compared to the realization that, short of hair transplant surgery, once your hair is gone, it is gone forever. Only you can make that determination.

View the original article here

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unravel the Mysteries of Female Hair Loss

Female hair loss is on the rise. This is a resource women can turn to to understand the unique issues surrounding female hair loss. They will learn about the types and causes of female hair loss and the best methods to improve hair loss conditions.

Check it out!

Monday, October 25, 2010

X-Fusion Medium Brown 25 gram

X-Fusion Medium Brown 25 gramMore than twice the size of the 12 gram

Price: $50.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Women and Hair Loss - Natural Remedies to Grow Long Hair Fast

The issue of women and hair loss is gaining more awareness as more people learn that thinning hair is not just something which affects men. In fact, the excessive loss of hair is as common among women as it is in men. The loss of hair can have more of an emotional impact on women. Women are less likely to just go with it and shave all of their hair off as some men do. If you address your thinning hair right away you will be glad you did. The sooner you start using hair growth remedies, the better they will work for you.

Facts About Women and Hair Loss
The leading cause of the loss of hair among women is a condition known as androgenic alopecia. You are probably more familiar with the term female pattern baldness. That's what it is most commonly called.

Female pattern baldness is an inherited condition caused by an excessive production of a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT prevents the follicles from getting enough nutrients. The weakened follicles then lose their ability to hold onto the hair and the strands start to fall out.

Thinning hair in women can also be a symptom of anemia, thyroid disorders, lupus, or other health issues. This is why it is important to take good care of your health.

Vitamin deficiencies also seem to go hand in hand when it comes to women and hair loss.

Olive Oil
When it comes to women and hair loss, olive oil can be a real life saver. Styling products containing heat and chemicals can strip away proteins from the strands making them dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Olive oil will help keep the strands moisturized and replace the protein which is lost during the styling process.

Rosemary is a good treatment for women and hair loss. It blocks production of DHT. This allows the strands to grow back.

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.

Learn more about choosing effective hair growth treatments and preventing baldness.

Visit: http://hairlosstreatmentsrevealed.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenna_Grey

View the original article here